About CUBiD

CUBiD is the first platform of its kind to allow users to access structured Bitcoin network data without advanced IT skills.

Data structure

CUBiD consists of two data layers. The first layer (Layer 1) contains the core Bitcoin network data and includes three tables: Block Header, Transactions, and Transaction Details.

To further assist you and to reduce computation time and requirements, CUBiD offers the second layer (Layer 2) data. At the click of a button CUBiD provides further in-depth analysis on blocks, transactions, addresses, and wallet activities.

CUBiD also offers in-house advice and tailor-made solutions.


CUBiD was developed and created in 2020 by Dr Hossein Jahanshahloo, a Lecturer in Finance at Cardiff Business School, to enable easy access to the wealth of Bitcoin network data in a usable and structured format.

Whilst publicly available, Bitcoin network data is largely underutilised. This is due to complexities associated with structuring the raw Bitcoin data to a structured one. The issues occur at various stages of data organising from collection and cleaning to checking and validation.

In doing so, CUBiD makes Bitcoin network data accessible to everyone.
